Friday, October 31, 2008

Drink More Water.

So I happened upon this article on MSNBC, and I read the first paragraph. I instantly wondered what sort of damage drinking Kool-Aid did to me as a child, and how much clearer things would be had I stayed away from the powdery stuff.

I seriously did not know people still believed some of the stuff these nutjobs talk about. One of the fears they're trying to stir up fears that allowing homosexuals to become Boy Scout masters (and other rights/privileges) would put their children at risk because, as we all know, being gay means your trolling for little boys. Apparently someone forgot to read the memorandum that pedophiles are the ones you have to worry about, not homosexuals.

The Christian right, if this is the message that they want to push, should probably be reconsidered as a legit voice in politics.

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