Friday, November 20, 2009

In Response

In this blog post by the esteemed Jamie Harrison, he lists the 10 Best States for Lovers of American History. Number 10 on the list is the great state of New Jersey. While he makes a pretty good case for its inclusion on the list, I think it should be ranked higher in its significance. Why? Well, I'll tell you.

1) Trenton was a major turning point for the Continental Army

If Washington doesn't win at Trenton, well, we'd all be like those Canadians up north and nominally part of the British crown now. Trenton was a major and the first victory for the Continentals. They had been more or less routed and decimated at every battle Washington fought up to that point. But this sneak attack that took place the day after Christmas Day against the fairly hungover Hessians (talk about Santa leaving a piece of coal in your stocking) proved to be a huge morale booster and kept parts of the Continental Army together that would've simply melted away. The historical importance of the Battle of Trenton cannot be dimiminished.

2) Ellis Island, NEW JERSEY

In 1998, the Supreme Court ruled that the vast majority of the island was formed after the cessation of the original territory to New York was not covered by that cessation and that it was indeed part of New Jersey. As such, Ellis Island is a grossly important part of a large number of American's lives. Many an immigrant was shuffled through the building in their first moments on the shores of the United States...which were New Jersey shores, I might add. It's a great place to visit and learn a bit about what great-grandfather Giuseppe experienced when he first saw his new home.

3) That Thomas Edison dude.

The Wizard of Menlo Park set up shop in New Jersey and there are a few museums dedicated to him and his work. This is the guy who invented the light bulb, record player, and the motion picture (to put it very simply). Imagine not having any of those at your next party. West Orange, New Jersey and Edison, New Jersey both have museums and monuments dedicated to this great man.

So as you see, New Jersey is quite the sight for great parts of American history. While it probably does not rival places like Washington DC, it still should be given more credit in its role in shaping the nation. In conclusion, New Jersey fucking rules.

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