Friday, January 2, 2009

Pakistan: Stop Fronting

Pakistan has made several moves and announcements recently regarding how they're going to "fuck shit up" if India does anything. Right.

Let's face it: India will probably not do anything for fear of the Pakistanis firing off nuclear weapons because we all know that Pakistan has as much control over its own country as your local 7-11 manager does and because an unsafe minority of people in Pakistan are what we can probably safely call "bat-shit insane." Pakistan, if they do anything further to piss off India, will probably be wrecked. Taking a look at the CIA World Factbook statistics, the number of troops India could muster in addition to its decently technologically sound infrastructure (ships, aircraft) isn't something to sneeze at either. The end result of anything happening would probably be something of a mess.

Any sort of saber rattling by the government of Pakistan is talk that shouldn't alarm anyone. As for those fellows in the mountains, well, that's a different story...

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